A piano app for IPhone and Android. Download from piano3d.com. Besides basic piano functions it also has simplified tutorials users can learn. Initially I created app for Windows Store only but I ported it to iOS and Android later. You can read the whole story here. Currently I develop and support only this version.
The Windows Store app has been downloaded more than 760,000 times and featured in Microsoft TV advertisment. Written using Unity 3D and customized subset of NAudio library. 3D models were created using Blender. Watch this and this videos to see Piano 3D from Windows Store in action.
New version of Irregular Verbs Trainer updated to Windows 10. Helps users to learn English irregular verbs. Has three exercies: flipping card, multiple-choice and writing tests.
When I started learning English there wasn’t a suitable app for learning irregular verbs in Windows Store. So I decided to create one. It was written in C# using MVVM approach (Prism library). It allows a user to easily find all three forms and also has some exercises. Eventually has transformed into new app called “Do Did Done”.