'dotnet swagger tofile' command fails with 'incorrect runtime' error

openapi swagger swaggerui swashbuckle

I have come across a rather nasty bug: after a successful build of our ASP.NET 5 app, we generate a swagger file using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli tool with dotnet swagger tofile command. This is set up as a postbuild event. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on my machine, but it does work completely fine on my colleague’s machine.

UDPATE (4/20/2024): if you encounter this error with .NET 8 - read my new post addressing this issue.

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Do Did Done released for Windows 10 devices!

do did done learn english irregular verbs main screen

Hi, I released a new application in Microsoft Store (available on Windows 10 devices) called “Do Did Done - Learn English Irregular Verbs”. You can download it here. Well, formally, it’s not new, but rather a drastic update to my old app “Irregular verbs trainer”.

The logic is the same, there are English irregular verbs with corresponding past simple and past participle forms grouped logically. There are also three kinds of exercises: flipping card, multiple-choice test and writing test. Based on my testing, it can really help you to learn Irregular Verbs.

But what is new?

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